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08 October, 2012

ECMS conference track on "Simulation of Social Interaction", Ålesund, Norway May 27th - 30st, 2013

There will be a track of the 27th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation on "Simulating Social Interaction", to be held in beautiful Ålesund in Norway on the May 27th - 30st, 2013.

The conference website is:

The deadline for papers is: 15th February 2013

Track description:

Simulation of Social Interaction (SOCINT)

Agent-based simulation allows for the explicit representation of social interaction within simulation. Here the behaviour of agents in the simulation represents the behaviour of actors, with the interaction between actors represented as messages between the agents. The outcomes of such simulations are not always obvious from their set-up allowing for the phenomena of emergence. This kind of simulation has its own distinctive opportunities and problems, which has meant that it has tended to be reported in different venues from the main simulation community, being often closer in style to social rather than computer science. This track is a chance to bring the social simulation and wider simulation communities together.

 Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Reputation and endorsement processes
  • Group formation, maintenance, dissolution
  • Social emergence and unpredictability
  • Influence and interaction over social networks
  • Descriptive simulations of observed social processes and systems (e.g. science itself)
  • How trust develops and is maintained plus its effects
  • Cooperation, coordination and social norms (but not purely game theoretic approaches)
  • People interacting via the internet via Facebook, Flickr, Twitter etc.
  • Discussive, consensus and agreement processes
  • Social and culture dynamics
  • The simulation of historical patterns and past societies
  • Complex organisation behaviour and inter-organisational networks